Friday, December 20, 2013

Robin Hoodwinked On Kindle!

Maid Marian and The Lawman by Deb Stover cover art
Maid Marian and The Lawman by Deb Stover
Now available for your Kindle and a beautiful trade paperback wherever books are sold! Don't see it? Please, order!

This book has always been a work of love for me. They all are, but some more than others. Maid Marian and The Lawman comes from my personal experience of raising a loving family with my late husband that includes both our birth and adopted children of varied races and abilities. We have loved all our children equally and unconditionally.

The secondary characters of Robin and Sunshine in this story will touch your heart--at least I hope they will. I have a Sunshine singing right down the hall from me as I type. In fact, this book is dedicated to her. I think you'll know why when you read it.

I have uploaded the first chapter here for your review.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Yule, Merry Solstice, and  Happy Happy.... :)


Monday, December 9, 2013

Maid Marian and The Lawman

I love new releases and new cover art. Yay! This month I celebrate both just in time for the holidays.

In 1999, Kensington Books released a historical very special to me titled Stolen Wishes. It went on to win a Reviewer's Choice Award from Romantic Times Magazine (now RT Book Reviews), and several Readers' Choice Awards. Since then, I have revised and polished this project, and the wonderful Deborah Smith at Bell Bridge Books deemed it special enough to be reincarnated as Maid Marian and The Lawman.

I couldn't be more honored!

The cover is stunning, and my editor also happens to be one of my favorite authors. So if you think I'm giddy with delight, you are correct.

This book has always been a work of love for me. They all are, but some more than others. Maid Marian and The Lawman comes from my personal experience of raising a loving family with my late husband that includes both our birth and adopted children of varied races and abilities. We have loved all our children equally and unconditionally.

The secondary characters of Robin and Sunshine in this story will touch your heart--at least I hope they will. I have a Sunshine singing right down the hall from me as I type. In fact, this book is dedicated to her. I think you'll know why when you read it.

I have uploaded the first chapter here for your review, and the book should be available before Christmas. I will post the buy links and ordering information as soon as I have it.

Meanwhile, happy reading, and may all your days include a bit of magic!

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Yule, Merry Solstice, and  Happy Happy.... :)


ISBN: 978-1-61194-403-7