Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Villains We Love to Hate!

What would make you sell your soul to the devil? Find out what makes a Natchez, Mississippi Detective do just that in Chapter 1 of THE BARGAIN. Special 99 cent sale in all e-book formats in January 2015 (also available in print at Amazon and Barnes & Noble at a higher price).

Once I met Slick Dawson, I had to finish this book, because this little monster would have haunted me the rest of my life if I hadn't. Find out why, and please share.

Something I learned early in my writing career is that the antagonist (villain) in a novel must be as multi-dimensional as the protagonists. In other words, he/she must be a worthy adversary with weaknesses along with strengths and goals, motivation & conflict.

Who is your favorite villain and why? I hope you’ll take a moment to meet Slick if you haven’t already. 

Happy reading, and may all your days include a bit of magic!

Read Ch 1 & find all buy links here!